Hi! Since I did a great amount of research on representation of teenagers in movies. I finally decided that I wanted my film to not have that segregation of people. Meaning not create defined groups like many movies have. These stereotypical groups can be said to be the jocks, nerds and weirdos. The male lead, which is going to played by Gianfranco is going to be a very charismatic and comely. He is going to be the guy which many girls want to date, but little do they know like any human beings, he has baggage of his own which many don't realize. The character that inspired me from previous films, is the character Augustus Waters which is the male lead in
The Fault in Our Stars and is played by Ansel Elgort. This character is one that is both intelligent and extremely romantic towards his love interest Hazel Lancaster who is played by Shailene Woodley. His biggest conflict that he has to face is battling cancer, which greatly affects his way of being and personality traits. This is what I greatly want from my character, to have an internal or external conflict that is the reason as to why he is a certain way. In his case, his long battle through cancer has forced him to become a more optimistic individual .

Other ways in which I have been inspired through him is his wardrobe. His wardrobe is simple and classy in many different aspects. He uses the same leather jacket in many different occasions, which is what makes him simple. Yet he uses button down shirts with sweaters. In addition, he uses many sports jerseys which reflects his personality. So I want my character's clothes to reflect his interest to an extent, yet not giving too much a way. So giving him a sense of mystery to his character will then attract the audience to want to know more about him. This could then be revealed towards the end of the movie, which will almost force the audience to finish the entire production.

Fatehpuria, Shruti. "12 Reasons Why Augustus Waters From TFIOS Makes The Best Book Boyfriend."
New Love Times. N.p., 23 Jan. 2016. Web. 19 Mar. 2016.
Heldman, Breanne L. "Shailene Woodley Fights for Infinity in 'The Fault in Our Stars'" Yahoo. N.p., 21 Mar. 2014. Web. 19 Mar. 2016.
It seems like you have researched a lot and have a clear knowledge of the topic about teenager representation and that is great, since that is the story you are going for. As for the visual aspect of your blog I recommend to make the text columns a bit larger because it is hard to read and also try to line up the images so they are inside of the box.